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Love Thursday: CGL

Before I realized it was Love Thursday, I pulled the most perfectly heart-shaped strawberry from the crackly plastic container, and I also cut the stem off another strawberry and revealed a pale pink heart shape underneath. Of course, I was too hungry for breakfast to stop and take photos of them. But what a lovely reminder that love is all around...

For example: this is my man. You'll see a lot of him on this site, not only because we work and live together full time and therefore he's always available for portraits, but also because he's handsome and I love him to bits.

He orchestrated the Christmas gift of my camera with our dear friend, Mandy (I'll tell you that story when she comes for a visit in July). He's given me plenty of space to learn about photography on my own, and been there to answer my questions when I ask them. When I started craving a fast prime lens, namely a 50mm one -- by the way, I'm wickedly pleased with myself that I know what that even means -- we decided on the one I would get eventually when I'd saved up enough money.

Then he secretly did Craigslist research and found a match in our price range. So now I have a new lens with which to take gorgeous portraits of the people and animals in my world. I tell you, this guy is a keeper.

I've been in love with words as long as I can remember. Seeing the world through a camera's lens is a new love for me, and I'm having so much fun in this new relationship.

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