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Happy Mother's Day

Flowers are a traditional Mother’s Day gift, but today I’m thinking about how flowers and blossoms are really the outgrowth of the less showy work of mothering.

The flowers get the glory - whether a child, a creative project, a business, an organization - and of course we’re immensely proud of them.

But they wouldn’t exist without the lush foliage and invisible root systems of mothering. Through photosynthesis, we transform sunlight and wind and water into food for our families and communities. We hold fast to this earth with little fanfare so our blossoms can unfurl and thrive.

I celebrate you everyday, and especially today, in all those moments and choices that go without applause, without audience. I see you as you lean toward sunlight to nourish your own life and the lives around you.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you who mother — everyone who nurtures young life in its many forms, including that which is delicate and new within you.

(Originally posted on Instagram)